PetPartners is a good example of the “full package” of my role at Paragraph. We began by interviewing a variety of roles at this pet insurance company to see how PetPartners is perceived through different lenses, and what the common thread we could find among the answers. Many interviewees struggled to identify how the brand stood out in the marketplace, but could easily talk about the passion of their hardworking, experienced, pet-crazy coworkers. That’s where we found our way in.
After identifying audience personas, creating a brand strategy, and developing visual and verbal messaging, we evolved the website to better resonate with audiences with the insights we gained.
Throughout this project, we were guided by the need to:
Utilize the user journeys to create a more intuitive site architecture.
Build a site that caters to audiences’ needs.
Promote transparency and empathy in the world of pet insurance.
Offer the site as an easily-digestible resource to learn about pet insurance.
Personalize the tools as much as possible. Insuring your pet shouldn’t be a transactional, cookie-cutter experience when they’re a unique member of the family!
Research & findings report
Strategy & positioning
Audience personas
User journeys
IA & content hierarchies
Brand guidelines & messaging platform
Content development
Google Docs
Google Analytics
Adobe XD
1 year
With all of the research we had in our arsenal — stakeholder interviews, sales team conversations, pet parent stories, customer surveys, a deep dive into pet insurance, a landscape analysis, and site analytics — we laid out the three types of pet owners who would be purchasing a PetPartners plan. These personas were based on the kind of motivation that would drive them to protect their pets with insurance, as well as their level of experience with pet parenthood.
As we looked into other pet insurance brands, it became clear that pet insurance can be confusing to consumers and most competitors were not explaining their products well. The legally-compliant content was there, but they weren’t considering the simple language to speak to pet parents. Because PetPartners centers their products and process around the best interests of the consumer, we created a site that highlights the team’s personal attention and willingness to constantly improve, as well as giving users the information to learn about the intricacies of their pet insurance.
After the site came to life, we took what we produced throughout this project — including the insights, strategy, voice, and look & feel of PetPartners — and put it all into a helpful brand guidebook to share throughout the company.